Tuesday, July 31, 2012

baked won ton appetizers

Angeli made these appetizers for our couples gourmet club.  They were bursting with flavor and were delicious! 

baked wonton appetizers (Angeli got the recipe from allrecipes.com)
1 package wonton wrappers (Angeli used round wrappers intended for dumplings)
1 pound bulk pork sausage
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 cup shredded monterey jack cheese
1 red pepper shredded or dice
1 small onion, grated or diced
2+ tablespoons chopped fresh parsley

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Spray mini muffin tins with cooking spray then place wrappers in tins, forming cups.  Bake 5 minutes, allow to cool and remove from pans.
Combine other ingredients in a bowl.
Place wonton cups on baking sheet and add up to a heaping tablespoon of the sausage mixture to each cup.  Bake for about 15 minutes being careful not to let the wrappers burn.
To make ahead, store pre-baked cups and filling separately, tightly covered, in fridge or freezer.  This quantity makes enough for 45 to 60 appetizers.

1 comment:

  1. Wasn't entirely sure about some of the steps on this one - do I spray the wontons after they're in the cups? Do I cook the sausage? Do I saute the onion and pepper with the sausage? Made a few guesses and have the cups in the freezer and mixture in my fridge saved for Saturday (broadcast appetizer). My house smells heavenly. I can hardly wait to assemble them!
